Takes you places!

Adelaide Bushwalkers club

Expedition Gammon Ranges

Each year the Wednesday Walkers hold a week long bushwalk / camp which is open to all club members. There is no overnight walking but the scenery and activities are great. 2020 saw 16 ABW members going to Gammon Ranges. (from Tandanya Autumn 2021)

Statistics, Log Books and Trail Monitors in South Australia

Scattered throughout our state there are trail monitors on trails and Summit Logbooks on peaks and they provide us with a wealth of information. For example they show how many walkers are using the trails which, in turn, will validate trail improvements and infra structure measures. These statistics are also useful when governments review policy such as the Pastoral Act late last year and can assist local entities in land management and regulation. From Tandanya Autumn 2021.

Be a Tourist at Home

For me, it's South Australia. While I'll be sharing my experiences here in SA with you, really I'm hoping to encourage you all to appreciate what you have on your doorstep, wherever it is you live.

The Gentle Art of Bushwalking Leadership

There can be few things more disruptive on a bushwalk than the rallying cries of an apparently anxious leader at some ungodly hour of the morning. Why some of them persist with this morning ritual is a mystery because, aside from being just plain irritating, it rarely seems to achieve the desired outcome. And let’s face it, if the countdown stated at 60 minutes, some of us still wouldn’t be ready to leave on time! The worse example that comes to mind happened on a club walk a few years ago.

Warren Bonython Memorial Water Tanks – Stage 1

After much talking and planning the first two water tanks of the Warren Bonython Memorial Water Tanks Project have been installed. The first was placed at Mainwater Well in the Gammon Ranges and the second at Yudnamutana mine site on Mt Freeling Station.

The Warren Bonython Legacy

John reflects on Warren Bonython's contributions to South Australia, and his connection to Adelaide Bushwalkers.

13 Films from Adelaide Bushwalkers trips by Roger Kempson

I’ve been making movies of trips for some years, and I share them with other walkers on the trip. Many of the movies consist of still shots and video clips – a few are all still shots only from scanning old slides. Here are some of these movies, dating from 1990 to 2015. Enjoy.

Cleft Peak – Recent Visits and New Logbook

We were advised that the logbook on Cleft Peak in the Gammon Ranges was full so we organised a trip to put a new logbook and a replacement ABW designed metal container.

Logbooks on Peaks in Flinders Ranges and Beyond Placed by Adelaide Bushwalkers: June 2015 Update

A research exercise into the locations and state of logbooks and containers placed by Adelaide Bushwalkers on summits in the Flinders Ranges.

President’s 2014-15 Report, from AGM

This is an expanded version of the President's Report given by Mark Proctor at the May 6th 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Adelaide Bushwalkers.

Log Books on Peaks in Flinders Ranges Placed by Adelaide Bushwalkers

A research exercise into the locations and state of logbooks and containers placed by Adelaide Bushwalkers on summits in the Flinders Ranges.

Section 2 - Yurrebilla Trail, 26 Jan
Torrens Linear Park, Paradise to Felixstow, 29 Jan
Blanchetown, 1 Feb - 2 Feb
Scott Creek Conservation Park - Day Walk, 2 Feb
Yorke Peninsula - Corny Point, 8 Feb - 9 Feb
Hiking gear for hire at reasonable rates. Try out gear before you buy your own.
Checklist of equipment, food ideas, water, first aid list, rules, minimal impact bushwalking and what to do if you get lost.
Meetings 7:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of the month, in the hall at the North Adelaide Community Centre.
Joining ABW takes you to new places you may never have heard of, off the beaten track, and to have new experiences.