"Takes you places"


Up By Kosciuszko’s Side

On top of Mt. Kosciuszko, it was still, and there was only thin, high cloud in the sky, and for all six in my group, this day was an experience never to be forgotten. I was on the summit of our highest mountain in August 1987 with my companions from Adelaide Bushwalkers. We hadn’t walked up, but ascended on our cross-country skis as part of an eight-day ski touring trip from Kiandra, 70km to the North, and the day on ...

Walking the Via Francigena in Switzerland and Italy

Over six weeks, from late September to early November 2016, my wife Phillipa, and I, walked a large chunk of the ancient pilgrim trail, the Via Francigena. The original route, from Canterbury to Rome, was walked by Sigeric the Serious, ordained Archbishop of Canterbury in 990 CE. He kept travel diaries and these are considered the most authoritative source for the direction of the route. The trail starts at the Canterbury Cathedral, runs through Northern France, Switzerland, down Italy and ...

ABW Great South West Walk

Ten of us walked a seven day loop in the Discovery Bay Coastal Park and Lower Glenelg National Park in the third week of February this year.

ABW Bibbulmun Track

The Bibbulmun Track is one of the world’s great long distance walk trails, stretching 1000km from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills, to Albany on the south coast, winding through the heart of the scenic South West of Western Australia.

Beating about the bush – Mt Andre’s neighbourhood

Some years ago, the publication of the Abels - the list of Tasmania’s peaks with at least 1100m elevation and 150m or more of prominence - prompted me to make a similar listing for the Flinders Ranges. The first task was to decide on the lower limits for elevation and prominence and I set these at 700m and 150m. Despite the 400m difference in elevation limit between the two lists, the same minimum value for prominence was used and this reflects the fact that, with few exceptions, the peaks in both regions rise a similar height above their surroundings.

Three Capes Track in Tasmania

Some years ago, the publication of the Abels - the list of Tasmania’s peaks with at least 1100m elevation and 150m or more of prominence - prompted me to make a similar listing for the Flinders Ranges. The first task was to decide on the lower limits for elevation and prominence and I set these at 700m and 150m. Despite the 400m difference in elevation limit between the two lists, the same minimum value for prominence was used and this reflects the fact that, with few exceptions, the peaks in both regions rise a similar height above their surroundings.

The Torrens Descent

Being a mainly factual account of an ABW canoe trip held in early March with the party consisting of Brian Slater, Tiffany Tantrum (not her real name) and the author.

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail

This superb long-distance walking trail in Flinders Chase National Park (known as “KIWT”) was opened in October 2016, was set up by Government of South Australia, and is under the control of National Parks South Australia. Facilities are exceptional, signage and associated literature are very good: in other words, the trail has been established to high standards, and in an area of great beauty.

The Magic of the Loch

There might be many lochs in Scotland, but the only one I know of in SA is Loch Luna, in the Riverland. This trip, centred on the loch, commenced in Moorook where a motley bunch of canoeists assembled in early October and headed off upstream to look for Blackfellow’s Creek. A strong tail breeze negated the flow, which was considerable and promised that the backwaters would be flooded and open. After probing around we eventually found this pleasant creek and paddled up it for several kms, before reeds closed it off.

InReach Explorer Satellite Communicator

InReach Explorer Satellite Communicator: How-to Guides

The Club’s InReach Satellite Communicator can be borrowed at no charge when used for club activities***. It can be used to send and receive messages (via SMS or email); plan, track, navigate and share your trip and — if necessary — trigger an SOS and then correspond with emergency services.

100 percent global Iridium satellite coverage enables 2-way text messaging to any mobile phone number or email address from anywhere in the world. Interactive SOS with the ...

Half-day, Torrens Linear Park loop, St Peters-CBD, 31 Jul
Dutchman's Stern, 3 Aug - 4 Aug
Morialta Conservation Park, 4 Aug
Mt Stapylton, Grampians, Victoria, 9 Aug - 11 Aug
Craigburn Farm, 14 Aug
Hiking gear for hire at reasonable rates. Try out gear before you buy your own.
Checklist of equipment, food ideas, water, first aid list, rules, minimal impact bushwalking and what to do if you get lost.
Meetings 7:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of the month, in the hall at the North Adelaide Community Centre.
Joining ABW takes you to new places you may never have heard of, off the beaten track, and to have new experiences.