Takes you places!


Saving Weight and Bulk

We all know that person - the one whose pack seems to be a lot lighter than everyone else's. And they don’t seem to be wet, cold or uncomfortable. How is it that they’re carrying all the same essentials with a lot less weight and bulk? Here are a few new ideas to help you reduce your load.

Night Skies for Bushwalkers this Spring

Spring nights are getting shorter and warmer, so you are less likely to get hypothermia when viewing our splendid spring stars. You will still need to rug up when you walk away from the campfire to catch our spring gems. This spring, most of the bright planet action is in the morning skies, so you have to be prepared to get up early.

Cleft Peak – Recent Visits and New Logbook

We were advised that the logbook on Cleft Peak in the Gammon Ranges was full so we organised a trip to put a new logbook and a replacement ABW designed metal container.

Logbooks on Peaks in Flinders Ranges and Beyond Placed by Adelaide Bushwalkers: June 2015 Update

A research exercise into the locations and state of logbooks and containers placed by Adelaide Bushwalkers on summits in the Flinders Ranges.

Nepalese Himalaya Trip Report, March – April 2015

Earlier this year, just before the Nepal earthquake, nine club members completed a 21 day, lodge-based walk through the Tamang, Langtang, Gosainakund and Helambu regions north of Kathmandu.

The Toop: canoeing trip report

A trip report of a kayaking expedition down the “Toop” - the Toupnein Creek - a centrepiece of canoeing in the Lindsay River Area, an offshoot of the Murray River.

MEALSPEC Flameless Meal Heaters

Heating food and hot drinks is an everyday task during bushwalking. It is not difficult but there are times when naked flames are banned and it is always impossible to take fuel on commercial aircraft. So is there an alternative?

What the Wily Weekend Walker is Wearing

A look at the hiking packs of members on a recent ABW hike down Onkaparinga Gorge.

President’s 2014-15 Report, from AGM

This is an expanded version of the President's Report given by Mark Proctor at the May 6th 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Adelaide Bushwalkers.

Eradication of Cactus in the Onkaparinga River National Park

During a recent Adelaide Bushwalkers walk down park's 15km of river valley, it came as a bit of a shock to see that it is being colonized by prickly pear cactus.

Black Hill CP, 16 Mar
Onkaparinga River, Port Noarlunga, 22 Mar
Tangari Regional Park, Woodcroft, 26 Mar
Barossa Valley, 29 Mar - 30 Mar
Morialta Conservation Park, 30 Mar
Hiking gear for hire at reasonable rates. Try out gear before you buy your own.
Checklist of equipment, food ideas, water, first aid list, rules, minimal impact bushwalking and what to do if you get lost.
Meetings 7:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of the month, in the hall at the North Adelaide Community Centre.
Joining ABW takes you to new places you may never have heard of, off the beaten track, and to have new experiences.